Healthcare & Nutrition

How do Russian employers handle sick leave?

If employees are sick, 44% of Russian employers forbid them to come if they have symptoms. 25% either require sick leave or go to work. 18% are...

Artichoke helps the intestines! See benefits, how to consume and recipe

You probably know the artichoke (cynara scolymus) for its shape that resembles...

Jabuticaba is good for immunity – know the benefits and recipe of jelly

Native to the Atlantic Forest, jabuticaba is tiny, has purple skin and...

Uncomfortable shoes can hurt your back

Radiologist Elena Zyablova said that wearing uncomfortable shoes can impair a person's posture.“If we talk about the long-term consequences of wearing the wrong shoes, then it is possible to...

The gynecologist said that menstruation does not interfere with education.

Boris Lordkipanidze, obstetrician-gynecologist and international expert on reproductive health in Russia, said that menstruation is not a contraindication for sports training.“Of course, provided that the woman is absolutely healthy....

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