Fashion & Entertainment

Big Brother’s Alpha confirms flirting with Delfina Wagner: “My daughter already knows him”

After that Alpha related to Big Brother 2022 Accused of dating a Uruguayan woman, 61-year-old participant visited Barbarossa where he said he came from Delphine WagnerThe 19-year-old girl who...

Shakira’s IQ was known and the nets exploded: her IQ is equal to that of Matt Damon and Tarantino

ShakiraBreaking records every time he brings up a song and learning from childhood to maximize his career, would be intellectually gifted. depending on platform intelligence quotientartist smarter than most peoples....

Duki’s gesture to his fan whose cell phone was stolen on his show: “Don’t cry, I’ll change it”

Always paying attention to what is going on in public, duki He didn't hesitate to stop his show in Córdoba to find out why a girl was crying. The singer,...

When Ulises Bueno announced that he was quitting music, he was surprised by his harsh statements: “Shut up because they silence you”

ulysses good this has to be internship and right now focused on improving your health. Artist He had acute bronchopneumopathy with febrile syndrome.shortness of breath with low oxygen...

Pampito surprised Estefi Berardi with sheer candor: “When I just met you, you were dressed terribly.”

Colleagues a year and eight months ago very morning (Monday to Friday, 10:00, by City Magazine), pampito And Estefi Berardi They got into a relationship of complicity. So...

ATAV 2: Rafael Machado kills Pedro Salvat after learning the truth about his missing wife and daughter.

Argentina, the land of love and revenge 2 (ATAV 2) initially showed: Pedro Salvat (Rafael Ferro) friendship with Rafel Machado (Federico D'Elía) led the latter to save himself and...

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